Post by killercrab on Nov 14, 2008 20:15:14 GMT
Anyone here read the original monster book? A bout of insomnia last night had me making a hot toddy and choosing this book. I figured ( rightly) that the language would be florid and knock me out .I found it actually mesmerising to read because of it's style and calming. Most folks laud Stoker's Dracula as the better *classic* read - but I dunno this has a certain style to it.
Post by allthingshorror on Nov 14, 2008 21:28:22 GMT
(From the 1932 Illustrated Editions Company, USA) Thought they would be nice to share. May write a bit on Frankenstein a bit later. Just good to see this thread up!
Post by killercrab on Nov 14, 2008 21:46:28 GMT
Cool pix ! Couldn't find a proper home for this thread - classics aren't catered for ! What's this place coming too I ask you ... KC
Post by Dr Terror on Nov 14, 2008 21:53:21 GMT
Post by lobolover on Nov 15, 2008 1:02:32 GMT
good,but too over-rated for its own good.Explanations later.
Post by benedictjjones on Nov 15, 2008 1:04:36 GMT
enjoyed it but preffered dracula. i am looking to get shelleys 'last man on earth' - worth getting??
Post by lobolover on Nov 15, 2008 1:07:45 GMT
Havent read either Dracula yet,(I wanna do "Jewell of the seven stars" first) or the other thing,but from what J.D. said you should read this without any expectations and take the book you get.
Also,its more like I think there way too litle reprint of things so hard to find,like Wakefield,Hartley or things in PD but "obscure" (Marion Fox comes to mind) and way too many reprints of a handfull of about five books that get reprinted precisely every 2 minutes and that everyone and every place has and doesnt give a toss,realy.
Post by Calenture on Nov 15, 2008 4:13:25 GMT
Havent read either Dracula yet,(I wanna do "Jewell of the seven stars" first) or the other thing... Lobo, I can never remember whether I read Jewel of the Seven Stars or the other one, meself. I do remember that it had a good scene with a kite being sent up in a thunderstorm. That's the bit that stuck in memory, anyway. Here's a link to the Bram Stoker thread. Ade, I've got a few copies of Frankenstein, but I'm ashamed to admit I haven't read that one yet! I'm beginning to think maybe I should and have just been put off by the usual comment that Dracula is a better read, "even if it's a bit creaky". Some of the Frankensteins have good covers and need posting here. I'll do that tomorrow. I love that 1932 illustration above!
Post by allthingshorror on Nov 15, 2008 11:35:33 GMT
Post by lobolover on Nov 15, 2008 15:55:49 GMT
Cale-thast "The lair of the white worm" also by Stoker-first thing form him I read-faulty at places alot,but stil good.If you want,Im gonna post my review.