Queer Stories in The Tatler 1926
13 OctoberSir William Orpen An Onlooker in France
Douglas Ainslie - Adventures Social and Literary [Extract]
20 OctoberCaptain C. A. W. Monckton - Some Experiences of a New Guinea Resident Magistrate
24 NovemberAnon - What is the Explanation?
Anon - A Weird Experience
1 December M. L. K. - The Padding Steps
Brig. General C. T. B. - A Weird Dream Story
8 December Major F. C. O. J. - Phantom or Fancy?
Omega - The Psychic Handbag
15 December M. B. - story of a ghostly visitant in an old house in a provincial town
C. M. G. A. - Untitled
M. S. O. - A Strange Tale of the Occult
22 December Anon - The Devil of the Cave
? [Copy in British Newspaper Archive lacks page containing rest of instalment]
29 December A. C. K. - A Queer Tale of the Southern Latitudes
Anon - The Unlighted Fire - A True Tale
Maureen - Two Strange Experiences
5 January M. L. S. - A Message from the Dead
J. C. A. - Pope's Ghost — A Stanton Harcourt Experience
W. G. E. - A Thought-Transference Experience
12 January M. B. K. C. - A Super-Natural Experience
J.P. - A Queer Story of Cardiff
19 January Anon - Physical or Metaphysical?
H. G. - A Galloping Ghost
26 JanuaryC. H. V. B. - Crucified
2 February Anon - Marianne
9 February H. A. - Christmas 1897
T.L.J. - What is It?
16 FebruaryGentucca - A Curious Experience
I. L. G. Two Till Four A.M.
23 FebruaryAnonymous - A Foxhunters Shade
K. H. - A Photographers Experience
March 2G. K. M. - A Haunted House in Hammersmith
A. C. C. - The True Story of a Ghostly Wind
March 9G. B. W. - A Psychic Warning
M. J. M. - An Unsolved Mystery
T. D. W. - Phantom Footsteps
March 16E. A. M. - A Musical Mystery
A. A. H. B. - A Story From India
R. R. - My Most Weird Experience
March 23L. G. E. - The Phantom Actress
M. C. - A Thing Unseen — Unheard
March 30A. C. G. H. - Footsteps
A. E. E. E. - A Queer Story of the Coast
H.Hookway Cowles 6 AprilA. B. - The Unsolved Mystery of the Phantom Car
F. N. - The Phantom Paper
13 AprilA. E. - A Weird Experience
K. A. C. - Voices From The Void
J. C. R. - An Unaccountable Dream
E. F. - A Prophetic Dream
20 April C. H. - The Grave
C. M. B - The Barnekow's Ring
27 April B. C. W. - "Jimmy Peters"
Gerald Atherton - Fly-By-Night
4 May Colin H. Cattey - The Cedar of Lebanon
W. P. F. - Mystery
E. M. - A Queer Coincidence
BNA have no issues post-11 May until 6 July 1927, after which the series continues sporadically through to the end of the year, resuming in the next.
20 July V. W. D. - The House of Terrors
E. M. S. - A Weird Experience of a Norwegian Girl
27 July J. F. O'C. - Seven Years in a Haunted House
T. G. - A Television Story
10 August K. H. C. - The Cat-Faced Man
M. D. B. - A Photographic Manifestation
24 August G. D. W. - A Pre-enacted Tragedy
J. H. H. T. - The Spirit of the Dead
7 September G. M. E. - Told in the Red Sea
Howard Elcock 28 September A. L. - Three Photographs
D. G. P. C. - On the Steps of the Altar
5 October 1927P. W. - The Ghostly Cavalier
12 OctoberJ. B. - When Idols are Disturbed
I. S. - The Wise Woman of Ranoch
2 NovemberJ. G. S. - A Witness from Beyond
Sangoma - My Weirdest Experience
16 NovemberR. M. G. - A Ghostly Bird of Ill-Omen
C. W. M. - A Galloway Ghost
V. P. E. - Resurgam
23 NovemberM. M. C. ff. - The Mandarin's Robe
M. E. - My Dream
7 December V. R. S. - The Phantom of the Half Dead
M. M. C. ff. - A Meeting with the Devil
M. - "Chanson Triste"
J. M. - A Neglected Warning
14 December Anon - Some Strange Psychic Happenings
Anon - Fore-knowledge
28 December H. C. H. - A Haunted Indian Pool
Anon - Second-Sight