Post by manzazuu on Sept 24, 2014 21:12:14 GMT
I've frequented this forum/site many times, and it has become a sort of reference on searching new titles, or finding information and reviews for lesser known ones. Figured I might as well join up and contribute a little. I've been reading Horror for as long as I can remember, although I only came to distinctly appreciate British authors in the past year or two. Unfortunately, all of the used shops around me have very paltry selections (Dean Koontz and Anne Rice ad nauseam), so I've had to make most of my purchases online. I've taken on a very uncanny attraction to the works of Guy N. Smith, and have made it my purpose to find and read as much of his work as possible. Here's some of the books I've enjoyed, or have on my to-read stack: Also have on the way: Thirst II, The Walking Dead, Doomflight, Wolfcurse, and three foreign editions of books by Guy N. Smith The Medusa Horror by Drew Lamark The Dead Travel Fast by Richard Tate The Scourge by Nick Sharman Ghoul by Mark Ronson Look forward to posting and sharing thoughts and opinions with you guys, as well as learning more about more great British Horror